Expert opinion from Deidre Huysamen

Dietician - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 7 years of experience · South Africa

Since dried fruit, including dried bananas, have had all their moisture removed, what is left over is exceptionally nutrient dense therefore, you only need to consume a small quantity of dried banana to get the same nutrients as you would with fresh bananas. However, this also means that dried bananas are often over consumed due to their small portion size this is actually completely unintentional. The dried fruit is also high in preservatives based on the drying process.

Expert opinion from Ledyan Ledyan

Master's degree Medicinal plants and functional food/Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 4 years of experience · Indonesia

Drying process for dried bananas will remove approximately 90% of water in banana, this makes vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, sugar and calorie more concentrated. Therefore, we can get the same amount of nutrients by consuming less dried bananas compare to fresh bananas. However, drying process removes water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin B. So when consuming dried bananas, you would not get the same vitamin variety compare to fresh bananas.

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Expert opinion from Yuyu Yatagawa

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 1 years of experience · Japan

Dried bananas can be stored for a long time with the same nutrients as fresh bananas. By removing the water, more nutrients can be obtained in smaller quantities than in fresh bananas.

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