

Can YOU find the player wearing the jacket with a missing zipper?

This fiendishly tricky brainteaser, created by entertainment company VSO and based on the British series Squid Game: The Challenge, asks if you can find the player with a missing zipper.

Essential skills that every adult should know

Does anything ever really prepare us for adulthood? Money, debt, families, work, negotiations... And stress! It's a pity that life doesn't come with a guide on how to 'adult' successfully. The critical skills, like learning how to unclog a toilet for example, would be great to know. Or at the very least, it would be great to be warned that you need to know before it's too late! Well, fear not! We've got you covered. Aside from ridding yourself of that rather smelly situation, we've included a few more skills you need to know in this gallery. So, what are you waiting for? Click through and see how many of these essential adult skills you've already ticked off.

Creative ways to use old jeans for great craft ideas

A supremely versatile and popular item, jeans have held their place as an essential fashion staple for decades, and show no signs of going anywhere. Many of us go through enormous numbers of jeans, and many pairs are simply disposed of when they are no longer fit for purpose. This is a great shame, especially as we are living in times when reusing is crucially important! Don't throw those old jeans out! Take a look through this gallery to get some great ideas on how to make the most out of them!

How (and why) to create a personal development plan

Have you ever thought about how you could improve in life? Whether we're talking skills and abilities, outlook on life, motivation, or something else entirely, personal development is a crucial ideal that we should always strive towards. At its root, personal development is looking inward and developing plans on how to better yourself, for yourself. It can be used in both personal and professional settings, and drastically changes your life in a positive way. Using your personal development dreams in a personal development plan can help you break down big problems into achievable, bite-size goals. Curious about how to make your own personal development plan? Click through for more information.

Never-before-seen photo of four royal mothers with newborn babies

The image, taken by Lord Snowdon, shows Queen Elizabeth II , Princess Margaret , Princess Alexandra and the Duchess of Kent holding their newborn babies in 1964.

The surprising history of tartan

Worn by royalty and ruffians alike, tartan has evoked both the traditional and the subversive throughout its history. At times affirming Scottish identity and ridiculing it through contradictions like Chanel dresses and sculptural Donald Judd prints, tartan’s story is long and complicated, but the cloth has proved surprisingly adaptable to the changing winds of politics and fashion, workwear and tourist trinkets, and clans and catwalks. Intrigued? Click on to discover the surprising history of tartan.

The scent of attraction

Have you ever had it where you are instantly attracted to someone? Or you walk by someone on the street and they smell so good, but it’s not cologne or perfume? Well, pheromones are to blame! Almost everyone is under the aromatic influence of bodily chemicals. Although it takes more than smell to make a relationship work, the initial attraction is usually due to our unique fragrances. Our sense of smell brings us memories, helps us have group reactions, and lures us to certain individuals, according to our genetics. The amazing science of pheromones is not yet very advanced, but here are the basics of odor appeal. If you want to know how you can literally sniff your partner out, click through this gallery.

After 3 years in Thailand, I moved back to New York. It didn't feel like home anymore, so I took off again.

While living in Thailand, Elizabeth Lavis was always craving comfort food from her town in New York. When she got back, she found her tastebuds had changed.

Canada's most beautiful natural beauty spots you need to visit

These parks, refuges and natural areas are ideal for anyone looking for the ultimate Canadian experience.

The Best Way to Split the Check at Group Dinners—and Not Leave Grumpy

Apps like Splitwise and Tab can help divvy things up, but don’t be afraid to lean into those awkward money conversations.

What dating apps are actually doing to your brain

It's hard to believe that just a decade ago "swiping right" was a brand new phenomenon. How much has changed in the meantime! According to Pew Research Center, around 10% of straight respondents met their long-term, committed partners on a dating site or app. Interestingly, the research showed dating app users were divided about whether their experience on these platforms was positive overall. But what is the gamification of the search for love doing to our brain? Humans are hardwired to seek a mate, and the same pathways that light up when people take drugs are activated by the feeling of falling in love. Could companies be capitalizing on our addiction to our own dopamine supply? Click on to discover what dating apps are actually doing to your brain.

Top wrestling star has cryptic 4-word response to controversial WWE exit

'Just connect the dots.'

Who are the Nine Muses of Greek mythology?

Greek mythology isn't short on fascinating gods or goddesses. However, some were more important than others. Of these, the Nine Muses belong to the higher echelons of the ancient world. They were said to bestow artistic inspiration upon the world through literature, science, and the arts including poetry, lyric songs, and myths. But just who were these mysterious Muses, and how did they emerge in mythos? Click on to discover the Nine Muses of Greek mythology.

Take a tour of the 'perfect' English town built by King Charles

Constructed in classic English architectural style, Poundbury is King Charle's vision of a model town. Discover more about the Dorset community the monarch built from scratch

Fascinating ways different cultures ward off evil spirits

Much of the world subscribes to the belief in the dichotomy of good and evil, so it makes sense that most cultures have some form of ushering in the former and casting out the latter. Over the centuries, traditions, rituals, and festivals have developed and adapted to keep these ancient practices alive. The most fascinating part of these rituals is how creative various cultures' approach can be to warding off evil spirits, from jumping over babies to putting up phallic images around town. Click through to take a visual tour of some of the most stunning and most head-scratching practices to cast out evil.

Famous acronyms you should definitely know the meaning of

We sometimes have a lot to say, but little time to say it. This is when acronyms come in for both formal and informal writing (and even speech). So what exactly are acronyms? Well, they're new words you create when you use the first letters of each word in a phrase or a list. Combining these letters you get a pronounceable word that other readers and listeners understand. Acronyms are shorthand abbreviations that, over time, become part of everyday language. You've probably seen some of these mixed in with common English texting abbreviations. But what exactly do you mean? Find out by clicking through the following gallery.

Is your device spying on you?

Everybody has had it happen to them or knows someone who has had it happen to them; you’re having a conversation about something very specific like baby strollers and when you open your phone there’s an advertisement for baby prams. There can only be one logical reason, right? So, is your phone dialing into your conversations even when it’s not supposed to? To finally discover the truth about whether or not your smart devices are spying on you, click through this gallery.

Feng shui hacks for a more harmonious home

Is your life a little hectic and chaotic right now? Are you in desperate need of some balance and good energy? Then look no further than this gallery, because here you'll find feng shui ideas to bring more peace and harmony into your household. Click through!

Things restaurants don’t want you to know

While you're sitting down at a table and enjoying your meal at a restaurant, there are so many other things happening behind the scenes that are only known by people who've worked in the food industry. From fast-food chains to fine dining restaurants, there are secrets that these establishments don't want you to know, and you'd be pretty surprised to find out why. So, do you dare to discover what they are? Check out this gallery.

Aespa, Olivia Rodrigo, and More: Singapore Concerts 2024 Lineup Revealed!

With such an amazing array of Singapore concerts 2024, there's no reason to miss out on the fun. Gather your family, secure your tickets, and get ready to create lasting memories together.

Who are the Ascended Masters, and how can they help you?

Have you ever heard of the term Ascended Master? It refers to a group of beings who have evolved past the need to reincarnate. According to some esoteric teachings, these Masters can assist humans on Earth as they work toward enlightenment. The Masters are considered to exist at the lowest level of hierarchy, which is why they are able to interact with humanity. Many Ascended Masters are the spiritual exemplars originating across the spectrum of religious traditions. These saints and sages of the East and the West are said to be able to help those who call upon them. Intrigued? Click on to learn more about the Ascended Masters.

Confessions of a cleaner: their worst discoveries

Those who work as cleaners have the bizarre privilege (or curse) of excavating the most private corners of people's homes. Needless to say it's not always a bed of roses. Working in cleaning is like working in customer service–you'll never see humanity the same way again! Click through this gallery to read about the weirdest things found by cleaners.

The heartbreaking tradition of the Unknown Soldier

The idea of honoring the memories of all soldiers killed in conflict with a single tomb containing one unidentified combatant has its genesis in the First World War. On November 11, 1920, the first Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated in London. Across the Channel on the same day, a second memorial was unveiled in Paris. The following year, the United States dedicated its Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Virginia. The idea of a symbolic Tomb of the Unknown Soldier then spread to other countries to remind us of the ultimate sacrifice made by others on the battlefield. Do you want to pay your respects? Click through and honor the fallen, wherever you live.

Mexican taco stand becomes first ever to receive a Michelin star

Arturo Rivera Martínez, who works at a taco stand in Mexico City, has become a Michelin star chef for serving $5 tacos with quality meat. His secret is simplicity and an extremely hot grill.

Expert tips to finish any project

Did you ever finish fixing that roof rack? Does the garage need refurbishment? Have you been trying to finish that painting for a while? These are all projects, and there’s a science developed to help manage them called (yes, you guessed it) project management. The main reason that things don’t get done, take three times as long as they should, or end up going way over budget is because of poor project management practice. To learn some of the most useful tips for getting virtually any project past the line, on budget, and on time, click through this gallery.

Clever ingredient swaps that will improve your meals

Here are some of the most helpful ingredient swaps you'll want to remember.

Discover some of the world's most dangerous volcanoes

For those who live close to a volcano, the possibility of an eruption is one of their greatest fears. Although most are inactive, there are some that erupt occasionally and others that are constantly active. Click on the gallery and get to know some of the world's most dangerous volcanoes!

The best oils to cook with (and which to avoid)

We have been cooking with oils for millennia. From sautéing to deep frying, oils have always been staple ingredients in cuisines from around the world. Oils are fat, and there are different types of fats; some really good for us, others not so much. And then there are many other ingredients (e.g. vitamins) that oils contain, and smoke or burning point, which we also need to take into account when choosing an oil. In this gallery, we bring you a list of some of the best oils to cook with, and which ones to avoid. Click on for more.

Unconventional travel destinations for introverts

Introverts love to travel as much as their extrovert counterparts, but their travel needs can often differ substantially. Many introverts seek quiet, solitary destinations with minimal social stimulation and plenty of space to reflect and take in their surroundings. Browse through some unconventional destinations introverts must add to their bucket list in the following gallery.

What Date Is The Full Moon In May? - It’s Thursday 23, 2024, In Sagittarius

It’s Thursday 23, 2024, In Sagittarius

Denim: the journey of jeans

Denim jeans are a staple of the 20th and 21st centuries. They have inspired songs, represented rebellion, and enabled women to wear bottoms other than skirts. The original workman's trouser is now a common feature of every person's wardrobe, but where did it begin? You may think with the cowboys, or maybe later with biker gangs. We are here to clear it all up and explain not only the history of denim jeans, but also their evolution through the generations. Click through this gallery to learn about the ever-changing denim jean.

How love can be lost in translation

It has been said that love knows no bounds, and while many relationships around the world are a testament to this statement, it is certainly no easy feat to date someone who doesn’t share the same native language as you do. Multilingual partners can find themselves arguing and fighting for seemingly stupid reasons, but the truth is that language differences can make tensions flare up if we don’t know how to address them. Curious? Click through the following gallery to see how relationships can be affected by languages, and what can be done to reduce conflict.

13 Polite Habits Hairdressers Actually Dislike—and What to Do Instead

Sometimes trying to do all the right things at the salon can backfire. Here's what to avoid when getting your hair cut or colored. The post 13 Polite Habits Hairdressers Actually Dislike—and What to Do Instead appeared first on Reader's Digest.

Does a Full Moon really trigger strange behavior?

For centuries, the Moon and its effect on humans has been at the center of mythology and folklore around the world. And to this day, there are many common beliefs about how the Full Moon and the lunar cycle can influence everything from sleep quality to mental health. While many of these beliefs have been dismissed by modern medicine, studies have shown that there may be some truth to a few of them. Curious? Click on to discover what researchers have discovered about the Moon’s effects on the human body and behavior.

The best ways to become a morning person

It's a very common thing to say that you are not a morning person. But, if you give some consideration to what this actually means, it can imply that you are more content to get up at the last minute, miss breakfast, and rush around, trying desperately not to be late. This doesn't sound very relaxing, does it? Perhaps it's time for a change. Take a look through the following gallery to discover the best ways to become a morning person!

Books everyone lies about having read

The older you get, the wiser people assume you are. That’s all good and fine until they want to discuss impressive books. You know the ones: written many years ago, canonized in our culture, etched permanently into the student reading lists. But while you panic and lie about having read whichever extremely long novel you thought you'd escaped after high school, don’t be so hard on yourself. As it turns out, a whole lot of other people are lying about having read those books too. The books people usually lie about reading are the ones considered to be classics, the foundational literature that has changed our world, immovable parts of the social zeitgeist. But who has time to read all those books and also read things written this decade? Maybe you lied because you watched the movie, but we all know that doesn’t count. That being said, there are quite a few cases when the film is actually better than the book. Sometimes you just want to read clear, easy prose, perhaps by writers who have experienced more of the same things you have. It could also be the case that these canonical books just won’t be your cup of tea! That’s a hard thing to accept, especially when you’re tens of thousands of words deep. Few and far between are the people who have actually read all of the classics, and it’s likely they’ll be having too hard of a time keeping the plot lines and characters straight to see through your lies. And there are so many liars! In a poll with more than 83,000 voters, hosted by Ranker, people came clean (anonymously, of course) about the books they lie about having read the most. Check out this gallery to see how you compare.

Common words you’re probably pronouncing all wrong

The English language can often get a bit tricky when it comes to pronunciation. Indeed, all of us have struggled to pronounce something on at least several occasions. The words you'll see in this gallery are some of the worst, and most popular, offenders. Want to avoid embarrassing pronunciation mistakes? Then click through these slides for a real lesson!

These actors are enemies on-screen but best buds in real life

Working with a friend as a colleague can have its pros and cons. Having someone you trust and care about by your side is great, but it's inevitable for disagreements to cause tension. Now, imagine what it's like to work with a friend while also having to pretend that you hate each other as part of your job. This is the reality for actor friends who are cast as enemies on-screen. Surprisingly, this happens more often than you might think! Take a look at this gallery to discover which actors have portrayed enemies on-screen, but maintain a friendship in real life.

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - May 16

Pisces: here are your free predictions for the day May 16

Famous women who served in the military

From discipline to teamwork, and resilience, the lessons learned in the Armed Forces often stay for life. And many women did learn these and many other lessons while serving their country, and later became famous in other areas of their lives. From actresses to athletes, in this gallery, you will get to know some of the famous women who served in the military. Click on to discover them.

It’s a real sister act: meet the Danish twins behind buzzy Scandi label Lié Studio – models at 15, now businesswomen

At 15, Amalie and Cecilie Moosgaard became globe-trotting models. Then they became Instagram influencers. In 2021, they launched a fashion brand The pair talk about their future plans for the Lie Studio label, and the freedom that comes with being behind the scenes rather than in front of the camera Most people do not become globe-trotting models a...

McDonald's wipes smile off Happy Meals for the first time ever for important reason

It's to help spark family conversations about emotions during Mental Health Awareness Week.

The houses of the zodiac explained

Most of us know our star sign based on our date of birth, and perhaps the headline characteristics of a few others. Virgos are organized, Leos are outgoing, and Pisces are sensitive. This is the most basic interpretation of astrology, so basic that it can actually reduce our understanding of human nature rather than add insight. The more you learn about the zodiac and the full birth chart, the more you can develop your knowledge of yourself and others. When you take into account the significance of the rising signs, the planets, and the elements, you’ll find a wealth of insight and understanding that will expand your mind and your compassion for those around you. The houses of the zodiac are one of the lesser-known elements of astrology, but they add fascinating depth to your personal chart. Click on to learn all about the houses, the signs that rule them, and what they mean for you.

Unleash your inner artist and draw with style

Have you always wanted to get into drawing but didn't know how? Drawing is a lifelong skill that is relaxing, stimulating, and fun. Here, we have an easy step-by-step guide to help you realize your artistic ambitions. If you want to harness your artistic side and create beautiful drawings, click through this gallery now!

Zara Tindall immaculately dressed for Royal Ascot in 2022

Princess Anne was joined by Zara Tindall as they led the carriage procession on Ladies Day at Royal Ascot. It was confirmed on Thursday lunchtime that Queen Elizabeth would not attend the racing event.

Straw hat inspo for the sunny days ahead

Straw hats have been around for a long time. The material is easy to work with, it's cheap, and it's surprisingly fresh on a hot summer's day. Straw hats have been adopted by farmers, gardeners, boaters, and many other professionals. But beyond their practical uses, straw hats have also been used as stylish fashion accessories. From the classic boater to the Panama, and wide-brimmed chic straw hats, in this gallery you'll find a bit of everything. And of course, all modeled by your favorite celebrities. Click on!

Hariel, Guardian Angel Symbolizing Purity And Liberation

Learn more about him here.

Eternal youth: The myth and mystery of the fountain of immortality

We've all heard about the fountain of youth, but how much do we know about it, really? What are the origins of the story, how did it spread, and, more importantly, is it real? Is this a mythological place, or is there such a thing as a fountain with rejuvenating properties? If so, where is it? Browse through the following gallery and discover the answer to these and many more questions about the fountain of youth.

Why Sonny’s Pizza takeaway in Hong Kong is selling by-the-slice New York pizza, and its hot dog and ice cream partners

Takeaway-only Sonny's Pizza in SoHo sells New York-style pizza by the slice. It's the brainchild of chef Son Pham, and Shakib Pasha of Ming Fat Group Sonny's, which uses a special fermented dough for its pizza bases, shares its space with Randy's Hotdogs, and with Milk, which sells soft-serve ice cream Pizza is commonly eaten by the slice in North ...

Accidental food inventions: History's most delicious mistakes

Whether it's getting a recipe wonderfully wrong or just getting lucky throwing together random ingredients from your fridge, everyone knows the feeling of having created something new and astonishingly tasty. Little do many people know, however, that some of the world's most beloved foods were born out of mistakes—along with spite, neglect, apathy, and laziness. Check out this gallery to see the surprising foods that were invented by accident.